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Just us

Step by Step, Hand in Hand

We dance upon rivers of light.

I spill through your gaze,

you drown in me.

We fall into the earth’s deep womb,

where we scatter into billions of shards,

becoming the beginning once more.

A quantum,

a galaxy in the boundless universe,

the Creator watches, awestruck.

We are light, our own,

we weave robes for the soul from dust of stars.

We build temples of spirit

on the ruins of faith.

We are a soul split in two,

we are all we were meant to be.

We have no time for regret, though time itself is ours.

We are the same, yet wholly apart.

At times, you’d cast me into a black hole, crushed by singularity,

while I would bind you in the coldest corners of the universe

and create hells vast enough to hold you.

Without you, I am undone,

and without us, the earth remains as before:

sorrowful, lost in thought over nothing.

But we will dance upon rivers of light,

hand in hand.

Published inPoezii

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