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Borrowed time…

I’m riding, on borrowed time

Time, that was never mine, to keep

Nor yours, to spend

Time hidden deep

Inside ….

The singing tree, lays hidden in the cave

Of knowledge,

Buried in the ashes of those who knew,

The colour of truth

Its branches are petrified

Under the heat of darkness

Its leaves, collapsed into the last drop,

Of water

Its memories are waiting for the skies to cry,

So, it can emerge out of the cave

High…. so high

Out of the ash of ignorance

So that my debt of time

Shall be paid in full

Fly my dear fly

Let your feathers smash the wind

Let the wind glide, underneath your soul

Let my thoughts come … and roll

Into the deep light, where…

I’ll take your sight and light the night

Until, it will all blow.

Let me snow over you, while riding the time

Sing to me awaken tree

I might be deaf, but my soul might hear your song

That melts their ash


Freeze yourself, for a second

Ride with me on borrowed time

The tree has risen,

Its songs are for the ones who don’t

Hear the noise … of this world

For the deaf

For the dead of today

So, they can live tomorrow


There’s no time to borrow…

Hope grows in darkness

Published inPoezii

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