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A… Lie

Are you lying lately, to yourself ?

Not sure ? 

Start lying, start crying 

It’s not like you’ve been true

To anyone  


Think of all the simple moments 

That you missed 

Think of all the times, you kissed 

Someone, anyone 

Lately …

Think of all the thoughts 

Hidden in your head 

When, they should be shared 

With everyone you’ve meet 


Take yourself home

You’ve wandered enough 

You’ve lost track of time 

Of me, 

Of us


Wreck your day 

Your life is wrecked enough 

And ,

When night comes 

Just  look up, 

Reach up

My hand stands there, lifeless 

Waiting for your touch.


How does it feel ?

Does it hurts ? 

Does it burns ? 

Too be you, for one moment 

In time, 

Have you quenched your thirst 

Or mine ?

You don’t have to answer now 

But think of me, and think of you 

And ask …. 

Are you lying lately, to yourself ?

Published inPoezii

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